DataCamp vs Codecademy: A Comprehensive Comparison

DataCamp vs Codecademy: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to online learning, there are plenty of options to choose from. Two popular platforms in the field of coding and data science are DataCamp and Codecademy. Both have dozens of students, positive and negative reviews as well as the reputation of leaders in the tech e-learning field.

I know it might be hard to choose between Codecademy and DataCamp, so I’ll break down the differences here for you and also provide details on each important aspect of learning with these companies.

Main differences between DataCamp and Codecademy

  1. Courses. Datacamp offers a wide range of courses in data science and data analysis, including programming languages such as R and Python, whereas Codecademy focuses on coding, web development and covers almost all programming languages.
  2. Learning format. Datacamp offers interactive coding exercises, while Codecademy uses a more traditional format of video lectures and quizzes.
  3. Pricing. Datacamp has a simpler pricing model but is a bit more pricey than Codecademy. On the other hand, Codecademy has more pricing options.
  4. Datacamp has a monthly or annual subscription model, while Codecademy offers a free version and a premium version with more features.
  5. Project-based learning. Datacamp offers a variety of projects to apply the skills learned in the courses, while Codecademy focuses more on theory and brief knowledge checks.
  6. Community. Codecademy has a student forum and chats on, whereas Datacamp has a an active Slack community.
  7. Support. Codecademy has a more comprehensive support system, including a help center and live chat, while Datacamp has a support center and email support.

What is better, DataCamp or Codecademy?

Both DataCamp and Codecademy are great options for individuals looking to improve their coding and data science skills. If you’re looking to develop a career or skills in data science or statistics, DataCamp is the better choice with its comprehensive curriculum and career tracks. If you’re more interested in web development and coding, Codecademy’s focus on these specific skills may be a better fit.

To make it more specific, if you want to learn Python or R–go for DataCamp; if you need to improve your skills in Java or Ruby–choose Codecademy.

Pricing is also what matters for a lot of potential clients. Both companies have very similar pricing levels and an option to choose monthly or annual payments. Meanwhile, Codecademy has more free content, especially for complete beginners.

Pricing comparison of Codecademy and DataCamp

DataCamp and Codecademy are quite similar when it comes to pricing, so it might be hard to make your decision based on this criterion. If you want free content, Codecademy has more to offer. However, if paid plans by Codecademy and DataCamp are quite similar. So, here is what I’ve found about their cost.

What you can get for free

For learners not willing to invest money, Codecademy is a winner: it provides access to around 200 courses at no cost. DataCamp’s policy is to give the first chapters of courses for free but then you need to pay for its subscription. The company also includes ten free courses in its course list.

What you get for a fee

DataCamp pricing is quite simple: you have a Premium plan where you can pay monthly or annually. In the first case, it’s $39 for a month (billed monthly) and in the second, it’s $300 for a year or $25 for a month (you’ll be billed for a whole year).

Codecademy has more pricing options. There are two paid plans: Pro Lite for $17.49/month if you pay for a year ($34.99 if you pay on a monthly basis) and Pro for $22.49/month paid for a year($44.99, monthly payments). Both give access to all courses–the main difference is that Pro also includes career paths (set of courses) as well as an additional feature of technical interview prep that might be helpful for job seekers.

Both companies have discounts for students for the same price: DataCamp’s offer is $149.99 for a year and Codecademy’s is $149/year.

Courses offered by Codecademy and DataCamp

DataCamp offers a wide range of courses in data science, statistics, and programming. The company’s course offerings include both interactive coding exercises and video lectures, with a strong emphasis on hands-on learning. The majority of courses fall into being R or Python focused but there are also a number of programs on SQL and additional data analysis tools. DataCamp has single short courses and longer programs like Data Analyst in R and Data Scientist in Python career tracks. Such programs guide learners through a comprehensive curriculum to develop skills in a data-related field based on a certain programming language.

Codecademy, on the other hand, is about all programming languages at one place. The company offers courses in a variety of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, as well as web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and React. They also have a Pro version that includes additional interactive exercises and quizzes, as well as personalized feedback on coding projects.

As for the learning style, DataCamp mostly combines videos and quizzes/practice and Codecademy combines written content with practice.

Do DataCamp and Codecademy offer certificates?

When it comes to earning a certificate, some learners may find it essential for various reasons, such as proof of successfully completing a course or program, showcasing to a future employer, or adding to a resume or LinkedIn profile. The good news is that both companies offer certificates upon course completion.

Upon finishing a DataCamp track, you’ll get a Statement of Accomplishment certificate that is however only indicates the completion of the track. This certificate can be downloaded and added to your CV. Meanwhile, DataCamp also has the professional DataCamp Certification that you ca get after completing a rigorous three-step evaluation process, including:

  • Limited time assessments: You must take three quizzes, each of which has a specific passing threshold. If you don’t achieve enough correct answers, you’ll have to repeat this step before moving on to the next one.
  • Coding challenge: DataCamp will provide you with a coding challenge to assess your coding abilities.
  • Case study: You’ll need to develop your own case study based on a given dataset.

Codecademy, on the other hand, provides certificates for some courses or paths, but not all of them. To earn a certificate for a course, you must complete the quizzes and exercises within it. You can then download and personalize your certificate.

Overall, in terms of certification, DataCamp has a slight advantage since it clearly outlines the numerous assessments and challenges you must undertake to earn the full certificate.

User Experience and Interface

In terms of user experience, both platforms have clean and user-friendly interfaces. DataCamp offers a more interactive and hands-on approach, with coding exercises integrated into the learning experience. Codecademy has a more traditional e-learning layout, with a focus on lectures and quizzes.

Overall, both Datacamp and Codecademy have intuitive and user-friendly platforms, making it easy to find what you are looking for. However, Datacamp’s filter system makes it easier to locate specific courses. Both platforms offer mobile apps, but users will need a paid subscription and active internet connection to fully access the learning experience.


Datacamp’s registration process is simple and straightforward. Users can create a free account by adding their email and creating a password, or by using their Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook accounts. If users choose to upgrade to a paid account, they can easily upgrade their plan in their account or on the pricing page. Codecademy’s registration process is similar toDatacamp, allowing users to create a free account using their email and password, or by linking their LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, or GitHub accounts.


Once registered, Datacamp’s interface allows users to explore courses, skill tracks, or career tracks. Users with a Basic (free) plan have access to only 6 courses and the first chapter of each course. Upgrading to a Premium plan grants full access to the content library. The platform also includes a filter system to aid in course selection. Codecademy’s interface includes a quiz to guide beginners in selecting the right courses and paths. The platform lists programming languages and subjects on the left-hand side, and users can explore the catalog with its top career paths and most popular courses. However, it lacks a filter system to easily find specific courses.

So, that’s it. I hope you found this Datacamp vs Codecademy helpful to make a choice between the two platforms.

William Kendal

William Kendal

I'm an educator while being skeptic, with extensive experience working for the Library of Congress and MSU Denver. My love for critical thinking and education has motivated me to create this website.

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